New to the Neighborhood
Welcome! Please complete the contact us form if you are new to the subdivision. Here is some information on services provided for the neighborhood.
Mail Service - Mailboxes at Entrance
- Contact the Jarrell Post Office at 512-746-5606 to get a key for your mailbox. They can tell you what documents you'll need to be assigned a box and to get the keys.
Trash & Recycling
- Contact Al Clawson Disposal Services, 512-930-5490
- https://www.clawsondisposal.com/services/residential
- Pick-up is every Monday for trash and every-other Monday for recycling
Cable TV
- If you don't have a dish, the local TV provider is Optimum (https://www.optimum.net/)
- Many residents choose a streaming service for TV channels, such as YouTube
- FiberFirst - https://fiberfirst.com/
- Heritage Broadband - https://www.heritagebroadband.com/
- Optimum - https://www.optimum.net/